Reasons why your iphone may not charging

Iphone is the most advanced phones that are highly popular and used worldwide across the world. Iphones are created using high reliable techniques makes them reliable as well as higher efficient. A non charging iphone can make you cost higher and this is really very headache when your iphone stops charging.  Stoppage of charging may stop your daily life working once.

Here are some reasons why your iphone may not charging

Whenever your iphone stops charging, it is your responsibility to contact to iphone repair Indiana while here are some reasons which can cause iphone to stop charging.

1.     Accumulation of foreign substances
Accumulation of foreign substance is one of the most known causes which make your iphone stops charging. Accumulation of dust particles and oil at charging port makes it stop working. Because these dust particles stop port direct contact with the charging mechanism, as a result, your iphone stops charging.

While it is recommended that you should contact experts at iphone repair Indiana to make the task done because the experts at iphone repair Fort Wayne know the right fluid and the methods to make it clean. You should keep your phone at a place where there are limited dust particles.

2.    Direct contact with the reactive substance
If the charging port has direct touch with the reactive substance then your iphone will stop charging. The charging ports made up with metals usually and there are many chemical substances which reacts with metals thus it is recommended to you that you should keep your phone isolated from other substances.

Once it gets in contact with the reactive substance then you should contact to iphone repair Indiana first because the experts of the company will solve your problem soon without making it a bigger one.  

There are many other reasons as well which can cause your iphone to stop charging and these are as follows.
  • Make sure that the switch and the outlet where you have to install charger is in working condition because sometime the wall outlet does not work and we think that there is a problem with the iphone.
  • Check the USB cable of the charger is in working condition. 


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