Fixing Water Damaged Phone

Most of the handset manufacturers have moved towards making waterproof handset designs. The demand for these handsets is tremendously increasing.  The cost of these handsets is not affordable to all. Few of them still use the normal handsets without waterproofing features. Such handsets need to be handled with care in order to avoid any water contact that can harm the device. But accidentally somehow we tend to drop of our phone in water. This can be the most heart wrenching experience that can lead to disappointment. There are service centers for cell phone water damage Fort Wayne that deal with fixing up the device.

You can also follow the websites and see the process for dealing with water damaged phones. Here are few tips for repairing water damaged phone.

Fixing Water Damaged Cell Phone

  •  Turn the cell off immediately once it is drenched in water and hold it upright. Do not on the phone to check whether it is working properly or not. This could damage the phone’s internal circuit leading to more damage.
  •  Remove the protecting case and remove the SIM card and micro SD card from their respective slots. Remove the battery immediately in order to protect it from exposing to more amount of water.
  •  Take help of cotton cloth or paper towel to dab on phone to make it dry. Avoid spreading more water as that could push more water in the phone’s openings. It is advisable to just soak the liquid as much as possible. If the water damage is extreme, then you can use a vacuum to suck out water that is stuck in cracks. Before using the vacuum, ensure that the SIM card and micro SD card and battery are out from phone.
  •  Place the phone in a zip lock bag, which is filled with uncooked rice. Rice plays a major role in absorbing liquid and it is also known as the common method for drying phones and tablets. Place the phone for a day or two in rice bag and do not switch it on to see whether it is working or not.
You can use the same process for iPhone water damage repair Fort Wayne and see the amazing results.


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