Tips on iPhone Water Damage Repair

Dropping your iPhone in water can be a heart wrenching experience. Most of the iPhone users must have gone through this situation, where they find themselves helpless in dealing with the scenario. Water damage can ruin the phone internally as well as externally; hence, you should treat it immediately. You can follow some simple tips for repairing or you can visit a manufacturer store for iPhone repair Fort Wayne.

Tips for Repairing an i-Phone

External Drying
Once your phone gets in contact with water, get it out immediately and do not plug in immediately. If the waterlogged iPhone is already plugged in, unplug it carefully and immediately. Do not on it to check whether the phone is working or not as this can lead to short circuits that can be dangerous too. If the phone is in case, then remove it and take out the SIM card. This will help in reduce the damage chances and to avoid the components getting dead or damaged. Clean and wipe off the excess water and turn the iPhone upside down and shake it gently to clear all ports and sockets.

Power Off
The crucial step for cleaning the water damaged phone is to avoid the circuit getting activated inside the phone. If the circuit gets activated from the damaged phone, it can lead to short circuits, which can lead to long term damage. If the phone gets switched off automatically, then leave it the way it is. If you try to on it to check whether the phone is working, then it can stop working permanently.

Dry it with Uncooked Rice
After your phone has been water damaged, the main motto is to remove water out as soon as possible. Avoid using hair dryer or any other heat treatment as that can damage the internal components of your phone. The most effective do it yourself treatment is by placing the iPhone covered in a big bowl of uncooked rice for about 48 hours. Rice will absorb all the moisture and leave it dry.

If nothing works consult your manufacturer store for iPhone water damage repair Fort Wayne and discuss your phone issues.


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